Incoming students

The International Relations Office promotes student exchanges within the Erasmus Programme. It provides information and assistance to all students participating in these study abroad programs. A substantial part of this activity is devoted to the orientation and support of foreign students, to whom the following sections are addressed.

Further info for incoming students of all Schools in the Unifi main website  

I FIRENZE01 - School of Humanities and Education_Fact Sheet_2025-26


When the Classes timetable is out, you can check it here.
Go to: Kairos Agenda Web and select Classes Schedule/Orario delle lezioni and then we recommend searching by course or lecturer.  
If you choose courses from other Schools, such as Political Sciences or Economics, please mind that the Novoli campus, where those schools are located, is about 40 min travel from the Humanities class locations. 

If you need help with:

-finding the right course and attending the right class! 

-navigating the website

-university life information (sport, libraries, etc) 

-Access to Moodle, Sol, Kairos, Unifi’s online services...



Drop by Room 208 on the second floor at Via Laura 48 on Mondays from 1:00PM to 3.00PM and Wednesday 3.00PM to 5.00PM

Or, you can write them an email:


Receiving responsable person:

- for Education/Area Formazione Prof.ssa Rossella Certini

- for Languages/Area Lingue (Triennali e Magistrali)  Prof.ssa Donatella Pallotti

- for Humanities/Area Studi Umanistici (SAGAS e DILEF) Prof.ssa Monica Ballerini 


Admin Responsible person: Valentina Peri

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