STEP 1: NOMINATION – done by Partner university coordinators
In order to be accepted by the School of Humanities and Education, the HOME INSTITUTION of students selected within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme must send an official NOMINATION email to erasmus(AT)
Nomination deadlines:
The nomination EMAIL should contain the following data for each student:
Once we receive your nomination, we will contact the students by email, providing all the information needed to proceed with the Application. Due to the large amount of incoming students the School of Humanities and Education receives every semester, this can take some time. We kindly ask students to read the following instructions in order to prepare their documents in advance.
Application deadlines:
30th June for all students
30th November for all students
Please note that we do not sign documents required from your home institution before the application submission.
Documentation needed for the application below (you can also download the documents from our website in the Modulistica section):
Please send the above-mentioned documentation with the signatures and the stamps of your home institution by email to the following address:
It is very important that you send the documents in separate PDF files and name your files as folows: SURNAME_name_NAME OF DOCUMENT (e.g. DOE_John_ENROLMENT.pdf, DOE_John_LEARNING AGREEMENT.pdf, etc), otherwise they will not be considered. No wonky jpegs of your passport or hard-to-read photos taken with your phone!
Please note:
STEP 3: ACCEPTANCE LETTER (Only for NON-EU students)
It will be issued only upon request once you have sent the LA and Enrolment form and secured an appointment at the diplomatic mission. Sometimes it takes months to get the appointment, so make the appointment as soon as you have been nominated. We recommend you act well in advance of your planned departure.
The International Relations Office will send incoming students who require it (non-EU students) an acceptance letter that they need to upload in their application on Universitaly. Please make sure that the email address given by your home Institution is correct or we will be unable to get back to you!
Step 4: CHECK IN PROCEDURE - Tax Code and Student Number
The tax ID number or code (Codice Fiscale often abbreviated as C.F.) is a fiscal identification code, comprised of letters and numbers taken from your personal details, which identifies citizens when dealing with Italian public Authorities and other Administrations. It is required in Italy for all sorts of procedures (e.g. applying for a resident permit, opening a bank account, applying for the National Health Service card, renting a flat, buying a mobile phone SIM card, etc.). You do not need it, however, to enroll at Uni.
Please check the most up-tp-date info on how to get your Codice Fiscale at the Revenue Agency's website here
Below are instructions on how to fill in the required form (Form AA4/8)
PLEASE NOTE: print the form and sign it by hand then make a high quality scan (NOT a wonky, badly-lit photo with your phone!) NOTE: if the document is ureadable, they will ignore your application without further notice.
The request may be submitted personally to any Italian consulate or Embassy if you are still abroad or the local tax office branch of the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate)
Direzione Provinciale di FIRENZE
Via Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, 23
50129 - FIRENZE
Hours: Mon-Fri. 8.30-12.45 | Tue-Wed-Thu. 14.15-16.00
Ph: 055-4787111
E-mail: dp.firenze(AT)
The tax code is issued immediately and free of charge. It is necessary to complete the AA4/8 form
EU/EEA citizens must bring a valid passport or another form of ID; non EU/EEA citizens must bring the passport with a valid visa (if requested) and a copy of it (clearly showing personal data and visa) and/or the residence permit.
Once you arrive in Florence, you will need to send proof of your arrival to the Erasmus desk: see CHECK-IN instructions
The office will proceed with the official enrolment at UNIFI. The staff will check your application documentation and will release you the USER ID (student number or "matricola") which is the identification number to access the online services and to register your exams.
On the top of their personal webpage on SOL, students can find the Erasmus mobility’s date of beginning and end.
All the activities related to the Erasmus Mobility in Florence have to be completed within the last day indicated on the "libretto".
Students will receive a USER ID (student number) and a provisional password (date of birth) to access the online services at, the platform used to book exams and accept or refuse grades.
Students are requested to change the password at their first access.
If students should lose their registration number or their password, they should contact the Erasmus Desk in Novoli as soon as possible.
The Erasmus desk ( is located in Piazza Ugo di Toscana 5, Building D15 – ground floor, room 0.03 - 50127 Firenze (Novoli Campus) and has the following opening hours: Monday – Tuesday – Thursday 10.00-13.00
If you need to change your learning agreement and the selected courses at UNIFI you are allowed to do it within the deadlines that you can find on the website. Remember that you are allowed to do changes to the original study plan only once per semester.
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