Frequently Asked Questions

What to do in case you need a doctor

Italy’s public health system is called Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), distributed through the territory in Aziende Unità Sanitarie Locali (AUSL). In order to receive the care you might need, you must bring with you to the hospital a European Health Insurance (EHIC).  If you need emergency care dial 118. 

Registration to the SSN (national health service)

Those who are registered to SSN have the same rights and duties as Italian citizens including the co-payment of fees for the services provided (ticket). The contribution varies according to the financial situation of the applicant. In some cases (e.g. students) applicants pay a flat fee.

How to register as a student

  1. Holders of E106 / S1 forms, can register to the Servizio Sanitario Regionale (SSR). The duration of the registration is equal to the duration of validity of the form and takes place with the choice of the GP (Medico di base) but without issuing the TEAM. In this way, they get access to basic services. To enroll with ASL Toscana Centro they must contact: ufficiostranieri.firenze(AT)
  2. Without E106 / S1 forms the registration is subject to the lump sum fee of € 149.77 per year. Registration is based on a calendar year (e.g. from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022) and it is not possible to pay reduced quotas for shorter periods.

You have to go to a Post Office, ask for a blank payment slip (bollettino) and fill in paying attention to the following points:

  • the beneficiary (intestatario): Regione Toscana;
  • postal account number (conto corrente postale n°): 289504
  • you must indicate the reference (causale): "Contributo iscrizione volontaria al servizio sanitario regionale anno 2020";

pay the annual lump sum fee of € 149,77 for each year of registration with the SSN at the Post Office and keep the payment receipts. 

After the payment, send an email to iscrizioni.volontarie(AT)  and attach the following documents:

  • copy of your identity card or passport;
  • Codice fiscale;
  • proof of payment
  • form
  • Copy of libretto or enrolment form

Then you can select a doctor to act as your GP. 

For more information please refer to the local health offices in your area of residency and visit  (in Italian only) or

Ufficio Stranieri - ASL 10 in Via Gramsci, 561, Sesto Fiorentino, ph: +39 6930111,

e-mail: ufficio.stranieri(AT) (Monday to Friday from 9 am - 2 pm)

The main hospital is AOU Careggi, situated in Largo Brambilla, 3 - Firenze

There is a desk dedicated to foreign citizens:

Foreigners’ Hospitalisation Office / Ufficio Spedalità Stranieri

Pavilion 2 NIC (Main Entrance)

ph: +39 055 794 9888 / 055 794 7057

Monday to Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

How to get the tax identification number  (Codice Fiscale)

The tax ID number or code (Codice Fiscale often abbreviated C.F.) is a fiscal identification code, comprised of letters and numbers taken from your personal details, that identifies citizens when dealing with Italian public Authorities and other Administrations. It is required in Italy for all sorts of procedures (e.g. applying for a resident permit, opening a bank account, applying for the National Health Service card, renting a flat, buying a mobile phone SIM card, etc.).

Option 1:  you can request it online ahead of time (recommended) if you are a EU citizen. Please follow the instructions you can download here

Codice Fiscale request form EN

Codice Fiscale request form FR

Codice Fiscale request form ES

PLEASE NOTE: print the form and sign it by hand then make a high-quality scan (NOT a wonky, badly-lit photo with your phone!) and send it back to the Agency. We suggest you use the Adobe Scan free app on your phone or tablet or any other scanning app of your choice to do this at your convenience at no cost. 

Option 2: (the only one available to non-EU citizens) The request may be submitted personally to any local tax office branch of the Italian Revenue Agency  (Agenzia delle Entrate
Direzione Provinciale di FIRENZE
Via Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, 23
50129 - FIRENZE
Hours: Mon-Fri. 8.30-12.45 | Tue-Wed-Thu. 14.15-16.00 
Ph: 055-4787111
E-mail: dp.firenze(AT)

The tax code is issued immediately and free of charge. It is necessary to complete the AA4/8 form

 EU/EEA citizens must bring a valid passport or another form of ID; non-EU/EEA citizens must bring the passport with a valid visa (if requested) and a copy of it (clearly showing personal data and visa) and/or the residence permit.

Alternatively, it is possible to apply for the tax code to the  Italian consular authorities in the country of residence.

For further information, please visit the Agenzia delle Entrate website.

Visa and residence permit for non-EU citizens

If you are a non-EU citizen and wish to study in Italy for more than 90 days, you will need a Visa to enter Italy. 

If you stay for less than 90 days, find out from the Embassy (or Consulate) if you require a Visa. You must apply for the Visa from the Italian Embassy in your country of residence, providing the letter of acceptance from the University of Florence. Important: you must apply for a Visa for study purposes.

You must apply well in advance for the Visa, as the visa issuing procedure can take several months.

Important: when you apply for the Visa, have your medical insurance stamped by the Embassy, otherwise you will not be able to use it to apply for the Residence Permit.

If your exchange lasts for more than 90 days, when you arrive in Italy you must apply for a Residence Permit. This is a compulsory procedure for all non-EU citizens wishing to stay in Italy for more than 90 days.

Leisure Activities

If you wish to practice some sports, the University of Florence has an affiliated Sprots Centre called CUS (Centro Universitario Sportivo) that allows students to attend a wide variety of courses. Please referto their website for registration info.

Our institution offers even other activities, such as being part of the University Choir or the University Orchestra, or alternatively the University’s Acting Company (Binario di Scambio).

For further information regarding these activities, you can check the corresponding webpage at the following link:

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